
If you’re asking yourself: “Empty-Nest… now what?” I’ll tell you: “Don’t worry, I got YOU?”

I'm Noel!

I'm a Marriage & Family Therapist, Art therapist, and Life Coach. I am passionate about personal growth and helping people achieve their dream life!

hey there

If you’re an empty-nester, you know what I’m talking about…

The feeling you get when you open the door to a now quiet home, whatever your child left behind scattered all over his or her bedroom, their sweet smell permeating everything.

Does this sound familiar?

I remember it so clearly!

Living without a clear purpose and with a routine that no longer made sense. A routine built around my girls’s needs, when they no longer needed me in that capacity. A life that didn’t excite me anymore!

Waking up every morning, hoping that today would be the day I would start feeling better. And going to sleep every night feeling deflated, confused, not really sure about who I was anymore…

I doubted myself constantly and I started thinking my best days were behind me!

Do you ever feel this way?

After struggling with this for a while, I realized that one of the reasons why I was feeling stuck, was that I wasn’t asking myself the most important question: “What makes me, ME?”

Can you guess what my answer was?

Of course, the first thing that came to mind was “I’m a mom. I’m a pretty good one. And a pretty sad one, now that my girls left the nest.”

Trying not to get too frustrated by my own answer, I then asked myself again: “What made me, ME before I became Sol’s and Francesca’s mom? What were the things I loved doing, the activities I engaged in, that made me lose any sense of time…”

The answers started to come slowly at first, and then fast and powerful like a summer storm…

I like exercising, reading, hanging out with my friends, inspiring others. I also love being in nature, traveling with my husband, cooking, meditating and writing. I am totally passionate about my faith and creating change, obsessed with human development, and crazy about helping others find joy and help them transform their lives…

“OMG,” I thought! “This is a long list, I can work with this…So, this is what makes me, ME!”

That’s when I realized my life needed a make over. I needed to put my own wants, needs and passions at the center. And in order to do so, I would have to ask myself the hard questions and I would have to answer them honestly, even if it hurt!

1. Where am I at in my life? What’s working and not working for me? What do I want to keep and what am I ready to get rid off?

2. If next year became my best year ever, how would my life look and feel like?

3. Why is this so important to me? What is the deeper reason why this new life would be worth fighting for?

4. What new skills would I need to learn in order to make this new dream life a reality? Who would I need to become to make it all possible?

Answering these questions marked a before and after in my life because, for the first time in a couple of decades, I put my own wants and needs at the center of my life…

From then on, my life started to shift steadily!

I came to understand that the years I spent as a full time mom shaped me into a much better version of myself. A more resourceful, patient, nurturing me. And that the struggle after my girls left the nest made me stronger, more resilient and more compassionate.

So, it was time for me to embark on a new mission, one in which I could pour all the love and attention I gave before to my girls, to the moms who were now struggling like I did before..

You might be telling yourself, good for you Noel! But, what does this have to do with me?

My mission has everything to do with you!

My mission is to help YOU, empty-nest mom, create a new vibrant and fulfilling life. One that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning because you can’t wait to start your day!

How do I even do this?

Based on my experience as a family therapist and my own experience as an empty nest mom, I created a system to help you get unstuck and create a life you love, without sacrificing your relationship with your children!

If you’re ready to give yourself the chance to make the empty-nest the best stage yet, please click on this link to get a FREE copy of an “Art Journal for Empty-Nest Mamas”

This Art Journal will take you on an inner journey. You will use easy art and writing techniques to explore your feelings in a safe space, you’ll start to discover your deepest dreams and desires, and you ‘ll learn how to turn them into a reality!

I know that being a dedicated mom gave you a sense of purpose and fulfillment for a long time, but now it’s your time to find a new purpose that brings you joy and a sense of direction…

And I know this is possible because if it happened to me, it can happen to you too!

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"There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein


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