
Hola, I’m Noel!

I'm Noel!

I'm a Marriage & Family Therapist, Art therapist, and Life Coach. I am passionate about personal growth and helping people achieve their dream life!

hey there

Do you lately feel that you are at the end of the trail you have been walking on, but you can’t still visualize a new beginning? If that’s you, are you ready to get inspired and start writing the most vibrant chapter of your life? If you are, I invite you to embark on a journey with me, where we will defy the limiting beliefs attached to aging and declare that our best days are ahead of us!

A little about me

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, because I once believed that the best days were behind and I paid a high price for it! I became sad, frustrated and, for a little while, I lost the enthusiasm and optimism that always characterized me. See, after enjoying and prioritizing being a mom for two decades, my identity was completely dependent on my relationship with my daughters. I enjoyed being a mom, I gave it my all and I was good at it.  I had fulfilled my main purpose in life. And now what do I do?, was the persistent thought occupying my mind at all times. Once the girls left our home I realized I wasn’t fulfilled in my career anymore, the house I always loved seemed all of a sudden very empty and I had all these old dreams, but no clear plan on how to bring them to life. And to be honest, those dreams didn’t even feel as exciting anymore. For the first time in my life I was purposeless and adrift in the sea of life.

What I am clear about

The one thing I was clear about was not wanting to be clingy, I gave my daughters wings and it was their time to fly on their own. Wasn’t that what I had been teaching parents and clients alike all of these years? I now know that some things are easier said than done!

For the next few years I got really busy, I quit my job as a school family therapist, started a flower business, created community projects and became a Head Coach for a prestigious Personal Growth program in Los Angeles, which kept me working during the weekends. I was doing everything “right”… or so I thought… It all became clear when, on a gorgeous sunny Saturday, my daughters called me from a hike and told me they wished I was there. My husband was meeting them for a late lunch picnic and I was coaching all weekend long, inside these lifeless corporate offices. It hit me like a ton of bricks that this wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life! My three favorite people in the world were together, in nature, exercising, during the weekend and I couldn’t be with them?

That day I had the realization that I was neglecting a very important part of who I was, the mom in me, because I thought that was my weakness, something in the past that I needed to grow out off. I was embarrassed to accept that I am a mom at heart, that that’s the way I relate to the world. I thrive when I have the chance to nurture those around me, whether they’re clients, friends, or family members. I love working from home, having time to exercise, meditate and cuddle with my dogs. I love being the person that has time to pick up the phone and talk to my friends whenever they need me or go meet my daughters at a coffee shop in the middle of the week. I love to hike and bike and go to the beach any given day. And I also love to serve and inspire my clients to become the best version of themselves, empower them to make the difficult decisions that will change their lives for the better and to shine a light on their strengths so that they can regain control over their lives. Why couldn’t I be both, without having to sacrifice one or the other?  By integrating the nurturing mom and the inspiring coach I begun to serve and impact lives at a much deeper level!

Identifying the pillars for my next chapter

Identifying the pillars on which to build a new chapter in my life came next, giving me the clarity I needed. Self-Care, Love, Family, Joy, and Inspiring people to live up to their full potential became the key ingredients to the life of my dreams. And even though the process of balancing it all is not always easy, it’s giving me the biggest fulfillment I have ever experienced!

Are you ready to redefine who you are and create the life of your dreams? I invite you to follow my journey and discover the tips and tricks that are helping me live the most freeing and exciting chapter of my life!

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"There are only two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein


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